The Podcast Interview Welcome Page and Why It’s Important!

Podcast interview welcome page

There are three major areas when doing a podcast that will help you establish authority, trust, and genuine connection with your audience.

Congratulations! You just received an invite to be a guest on your dream podcast. Making sure it’s a success starts way before the host hits record. Not only do you need to prepare for the topics being discussed in the interview, but you also need to be prepared for when the interview goes live. No, we’re not talking about promoting (but don’t get us wrong, that is just as important). Today we’re talking about welcome pages.

What is a podcast interview welcome page?

A welcome page is a page on your website that you create prior to the recording so that you can direct listeners there by plugging the URL during the interview. This gives the lister a place to connect with you and it also shows the host that you’re serious about podcast marketing.

A good welcome page has a few key features. We always recommend starting with an easy to remember URL. Typically a host will include the link in their show notes, but it’s still a good idea to make it something easy to remember–usually the show’s name or an abbreviation.


Here’s an example:

What your welcome page needs

Your page should open with a large headline welcoming listeners from that specific podcast to establish familiarity. Even more important than the headline is the podcast’s artwork, this gives the page viewers a trust seal, immediately reassuring them they are in the right place. You’ll always want to include a welcome message that references the podcast. Again, this will ensure the listener knows they’re in the right place.

Oftentimes, podcasts are listened to through audio only so you want to include your headshot. This is likely the first time they are seeing a face to go with the voice they just listened to on the episode. Next to your headshot should be your contact information, email and social media accounts, so they know where to reach you.

Arguably, calls to action are the most important part of a welcome page. Contrary to popular belief in digital marketing, our data shows that when it comes to podcasts, audiences respond well to three options. You never know where listeners are on their journey and the goal here is to meet them where they are, not where you are. We call it the three Yeses, a small yes, a Medium Yes, and a BIG YES. These offers will look different for everyone depending on your audience and business. The small offer is a freebie, a small report or guide. Your medium offer is a small investment of either money or time for them, like a free copy of your book. And the big offer costs both you and the reader a time or money investment, like a paid course or phone consultation.

Are welcome pages necessary?

No. But data shows they are an effective way to move passive listeners to active visitors on your website who are self-motivated to take action. They are a great way to turn leads into sales and definitively track your return on investment (ROI) from shows, which is why we always recommend them to our clients

Looking For More?

Here are some other great resources.

