Growing Your Brand with Podcast Interview Marketing

Growing your brand doesn’t need to be hard. In fact, it’s the easiest it has ever been. With all the advanced technology we now have, marketing doesn’t just have to be billboards, magazine articles, and in-person interviews. Podcast interview marketing is as simple as sitting in front of a microphone at your computer in your home office!

Why Podcasting?

So why choose podcast interview marketing over more traditional modes of marketing? Convenience! We live in post-pandemic times where people value a work-life balance. Recording an interview is just as easy as consuming it. Set aside an hour for recording and then you have the rest of the day to work and run errands without missing out on more leisurely activities.

Reach A Global Audience

Podcasts also allow you to reach consumers you wouldn’t otherwise be able to reach. Listenership of podcasts is global. You’re able to reach people across the world. Establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry in multiple countries is a sure fire way to grow your brand. Take our client Barbara Turley from The Virtual Hub for example. She built her business internationally through targeted podcast interviews. She was an Irish woman living in Australia who was able to speak to her ideal clients in the United States.


Podcasts also aren’t just audio! Along with show notes (great for backlinks!) some hosts also record video, which is great for repurposing your content to stretch it over multiple platforms. 

Whether you’re looking to drive sales, improve your SEO strategy, create content, or launch your own podcast, podcast interview marketing is a pivotal way to establish yourself in your industry.

The content from this blog was extracted from our latest report | How To Grow Your Brand With Podcast Interviews

Get the report here.

Grow Your Brand With Podcast Interviews

