57 Pieces of Advice Podcast Hosts Want Podcast Guests To Know

Understanding things from someone else’s point of view is key in being self-aware. It is easy to only focus on things from our own perspective, but often the most beneficial growth occurs when we step outside of our own view and look through a different lens.

Which is what prompted this little research project. We have relationships with hundreds of podcast hosts in an array of industries, and our team reached out asking if they had any advice they want guests to know. There are some common threads like being prepared, be authentic, and show up on time. And some things you thought you should be doing but it’s better if you don’t, like being salesy.

This advice proves what we have long been trying to convey when it comes to podcast guest interviews. It’s about having genuine conversation between two people with common expertise and messaging. A conversation with the purpose of sharing experience and knowledge with an engaged audience.

Here are the 57 Pieces Of Advice For Podcast Guests from Podcast Hosts

“There is power in sharing your most vulnerable stories, allowing audiences to see themselves in your triumphs.”

Christine Perakis, CAREER INVINCIBILITY Podcast

“Be present and open. Remember that you’re having a conversation with the host and that listeners will resonate with you when you’re authentic.”

Ryan Fowler, The Digital Approach Podcast

“Be prepared, but not rehearsed.”

Christine Wong, Raise Your Game Podcast

“Have a framework or at least a story behind the key idea you want to share. Humans retain information significantly better when it’s well structured. I spent a few years of my life making a living as a professional keynote speaker and this was my biggest lesson. Structure is 80% of a good talk, being a good speaker is the other 20%”

Marcel Petitpas, Agency Profit Podcast

“Know ME, my AUDIENCE, and seek to SERVE, not sell.”

Ray Edwards, Ray Edwards Show

“My tip for guests would be – remember you’re a guest! You’re the one being invited into someone’s home, which happens to be a podcast. Be courteous and show up as the best version of yourself that you’d truly like someone to meet. If the host is a few minutes late, understand they may be coming from a screaming toddler (if they work from home) or an interview just before yours that happened to go long. This is not your moment to be judgmental, it’s your chance to open your heart.”

Liz Theresa, Liz on Biz Podcast

“Have enthusiasm.”

Marty McDermott, Franchise Interviews Podcast

“Read the instructions provided by the show host, relax, and have fun. If you are truly the expert you say you are, there isn’t any question that should worry you.”

Joel Block, Profits From The Inside Podcast

“Avoid lengthy monologues. Being an interesting guest means having a lively back and forth. This not only makes the host feel more comfortable in the conversation, but also helps the listener stay engaged by keeping things moving.”

Jeff Gibbard, Becoming Superhuman Podcast

“Be consistent, be narrow, and be yourself – not some perceived construct of what a podcast guest should be.”

Rick Clemons, Life (UN)Closeted Podcast

“Be prepared.”

John Lee Dumas, Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast

“Take the time to promote your guest appearances. You’d be surprised how many people will spend hours doing podcast interviews, but fail to take advantage of telling the world about them! It also helps show hosts when they get new backlinks. Start with a blog post with a link to the show. You can simplify the process by creating a post template. Bonus tip: If you do this before you record, you can create a landing page with a URL that references the show, such as [yoursite.com]/showname. Post about the episode on social media, and be sure to mention the host.”

Brandon Uttley, Go For Launch Podcast

“Be open to connecting and serving by creating a remark-worthy experience as opposed to being focused on acquiring and or selling.”

Vinay Koshy, Predictable B2B Success Podcast

“Oftentimes being on a podcast can be intimidating, and the best advice I can give is being well prepared. In preparation it is always best to review some of the podcast episodes beforehand. This will give you as the guest a better understanding of the host, their brand, and the tone of the podcast. Make sure to speak with the host prior to the recording to find out if they have an outline or agenda for the episode. This will help you prepare your talking points. I suggest making bullet points and doing your best to not read from a script. The best podcasts are conversational and have a smooth natural flow to them, as if you were talking over coffee. Lastly and maybe the most important – make sure to prepare a quiet space, have a reliable microphone and internet connection for the recording.”

Nicole Gallicchio, Not Your Average CEO Lifeline Podcast

“Have a story.”

Mark Podolsky, The Land Geek Podcast

“Use stories to deliver your points. Listeners learn best through stories. Stories help us understand and remember lessons. You’ll be more memorable as a podcast guest if you can tie your lesson into a story to make your point!”

Taylor Loht, The Passive Wealth Strategy Show Podcast

“Make sure your message is concise.”

Marni Battista, Dating with Dignity Podcast

“Be prepared. Be passionate, understand the audience that you’re speaking to, and deliver tangible takeaways that the target audience can walk away immediately and implement into their business, or apply to their lives.”

Jeff Pfizer, Drunk on Social Podcast

“Listen authentically.”

Denise Griffitts, Your Partner in Success Radio Podcast

“Give tremendous value to the audience – I judge my episodes by how many people tell me – that episode was great – the more value you give my listeners the happier I am!”

Kim Barrett, The Kim Barrett Show Podcast

“Listen to the podcast BEFORE you go on.”

Craig Price, Reality Check Podcast

“I would say the best thing to do is listen to the show you’re going on, have a story that relates to the host audience, and be prepared!”

Matt Fore, Ice Cream With Investors Podcast

“Always focus on sharing lessons you have learned instead of trying to advertise your business. Subscribers are giving their valuable time to your episode so it’s important for them to have some key takeaways.”

Alpesh Parmar, Wealth Matters Podcast

“Keep it short and practice your message.”

Barry Moltz, Small Business Radio Show Podcast

“Invest in a decent microphone and TRY to get on as many podcasts as you can.”

Carey Green, Podcatification Show

“Give thoughtful but brief answers to host questions and allow give and take to make a better interview.”

Chris McGoey, Crime School Podcast

“Have a good Mic and be present.”

Chris Krimitsos, Founder of Podfest MultiMedia Expos

“Be legendary & have quality audio/video/internet.”

Christopher Lochhead, Follow Your Different Podcast

“Send the host a very specific list of topics or potential questions where you can shine that align with their core audience.”

Drew McClellan, Build A Better Agency Podcast

“Be prepared with quality mic and be on time.”

Doug Sandler, Nice Guys On Business Podcast

“Be natural. Tell stories.”

Chuck Wood, Devchat.tv Podcast

“Don’t get stuck on your way of doing things. Have the standard things prepared, your headshot, bio, questions, opt-in links, etc… but then be prepared to have a conversation and have a little fun with it. Trust that their show is going to go the way every other one of their shows have gone, awesomely, and have a conversation with them. Especially true when the host has history. Otherwise have some training points prepared…. And if they ask you an off the wall question, just talk about the first thing that comes to mind and have fun with it.”

Michelle Nedelec, The Business Ownership Podcast

“The episode isn’t about you and the value proposition of your business…it’s about the quality content that you can share that will help the listener get better.”

James Carbary, B2B Growth Podcast

“Practice speaking with authority.”

Craig Moen, Business Owners Radio Podcast

“Connecting to an audience is all about story. Work on how you tell your stories that are compelling, draw people in and allow them to see themselves in the situation or relate to what has gone on in their lives.”

John Ramstead, Eternal Leadership Podcast

“Be energetic.”

Dan Miller, 48 Days Podcast

“Find a quiet location where you can be seated and comfortable for the entire chat.”

Mathew Passy, The Podcast Consultant

“Share openly and honestly.”

Mike Woodward, Jumble Think Podcast

“Show up prepared and respect the audience.”

David Hooper, BIG Podcast

“Be prepared to talk about your content – don’t make the host drag it out of you.”

Derek Champagne, Business Leadership Podcast

“Don’t be pretentious and brag about yourself, and toss it back to the host after 2-3 minutes of talking max.”

Jake Jorgovan, Working Without Pants Podcast

“Get a headset with a microphone.”

Douglas Burdett, Marketing Book Podcast

“Show up prepared.”

Jaime Jay, Live With Bottleneck Podcast

“Don’t promote your product or program like an infomercial; a good host will present you with that time.”

Geoff Nicholson, Success IQ Podcast

“Don’t hold back the good stuff.”

Anthony Metivier, Magnetic Memory Method Podcast

“Do not expect that all shows are the same. Do your homework if you expect to do well on the show.”

Jordan Harbinger, Jordan Harbinger Show

“Tell stories AND pause to let the host guide you.”

Jake Carlson, Modern Leadership Podcast

“Be confident and CLEAR and want to help my audience get what they want no matter what.”

Jaime Masters, Eventual Millionaire Podcast

“Promote the show that has you on. Everyone wins. So few guests promote.”

Paul Kirch, BOSS Academy Podcast

“Remember that a podcast is a SAFE place where you can be yourself.”

Matt Neff, Etreneato Podcast

“Don’t sell so hard. Tell more stories.”

Joe Saul-Sehy, Stacking Benjamin’s Podcast

“Give space to the host to ask questions. Sometimes they run on and on. Be concise.”

Lisa Druxman, The Empowered Mama Podcast

“Don’t ramble.”

J. Clint Schumacher, Eminent Domain Podcast

“Don’t ask me to guest just because you have a new book.”

Mark Asquith, The Podcast Accelerator

“Be authentic.”

Michael Gervais, Finding Mastery Podcast

“Show up early and have a quality mic ready.”

Bob Ruffolo, Solving Inbound Podcast

“Be in a quiet room and don’t fidget with stuff on your desk. And for Gods sake, don’t start typing during the interview.”

Wally Charmichael, Men of Abundance Podcast

Want to find out more about Podcast Guesting?

9 Secrets to getting booked on your first podcast
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