8 Steps to the Perfect Pitch Sheet to Increased Inbound Traffic


Too often as inbound marketers we think of content as being nothing but a blog. As blogs get ever more common, to attract more traffic leads and customers than our competitors the smart marketers look to other areas like videos and infographics to stand out with fresh, engaging content.

As blogs become more competitive, some of the highest quality and lowest cost traffic comes from these new and creative new sources. One of my favorite is being an expert guest on a podcast. We call it Podcast Interview Marketing. In the experience with our clients, it has been the best source of traffic as measured by return on investment, the cost of customer acquisition and overall conversion rate.

Podcasts gives you access to a very focused buyer persona. The fact that you are in their ears often with out interruption builds a level of trust and intimacy that the written word of a blog can not. Starting your own podcast can be tough. There is equipment to buy, new skills to learn and an audience to build. Content creation is not easy. That is why most podcast hosts, like all content creators, are looking for the fresh and engaging content you can offer as an expert guest.

Being featured on an established podcast can be an inbound dream. Access to your ideal buyer persona. with referral traffic that knows who you are and converts into leads and customers because they already know, like, and trust you.

The challenge is getting booked on the podcast

Having a pitch sheet or a sell sheet can be the critical piece that introduces you, makes a professional first professional impression and establishes you as an expert guest they need to share with their tribe of listeners.

8 Steps to the Perfect Pitch Sheet


1. The company logo

Ensure your logo is clear and consistent with the brand of the website you will be sending traffic after your evergreen appearance. Always remember to build trust.

2. A tag line

This tag line is your one-sentence close or to sell the host of why they should have you on their show. It is not necessarily your company tag line, but your sole reason the host could use to justify giving you valuable access to his audience.

3. Professional image

The image needs to be professional and be consistent with your brand. Ensure it’s the same person they see on your website, Twitter, and Linkedin profile if they look for more information. This image will be used in the show notes to promote the podcast. Spend some time to make sure that it’s professional and communicates your brand. Some of the best ones I’ve ever seen have come from Sears or JC Penney photo shops for less than $100.

4.  Background information

Tell the host very quickly who you are and what you offer the audience. Remember, he is transferring his trust and his credibility to you by inviting you to his show. It’s almost like inviting you to guest blog for him on his site, so make it very clear the value you offer him and his community.

5. Discussion Topics

Give the host areas where you have expertise, great stories, and compelling content. Make sure to provide just three or four of the best where you have a valuable free offer to place as a Call To Action at the end of the show.

6.  Biography

This paragraph is what the host will probably read to introduce you. Make sure it’s in the third person. Typically 50 to 100 words is ideal. Don’t be humble. Make it the introduction your biggest fan might give you.

7. Contact information

Make it easy for them to book you for their next podcast. Include links to your social media and especially your LinkedIn profile. Make it easy for them to connect. Include your email address, cell phone number, a Skype address (many interviews occur over Skype due to the audio clarity and ability to record the conversation). Use a tool like Time Trade and give them access to your calendar so if they can schedule the interview at their convenience.

8. A testimonial

This brief social proof source should focus on you as a guest. How knowledgeable, entertaining, energetic and informative you are. This not a business testimonial. The goal is to get you on the podcast. Ensure it connects to the subject of the podcast. Many guests will have multiple pitch sales sheets with different topics or testimonial based on a host and the audience. Content with context. Look at the hosts profile on LinkedIn and see if you can get a recommendation from someone the host knows. Include a picture with the testimonial. That way, if they are just skimming they may see a face that they recognize and trust, even if you are a total stranger.

Being an expert guest on a podcast can be part of a vital part in your inbound strategy. A 30-minute investment can provide you increased free traffic to your website, to gain more leads, and ultimately to get more customer that turn into delighted advocates. Just like any content strategy, the key is to define your ideal buyer persona, to provide them great content then offer a compelling call to action. The same rules apply for blogs, video and your next appearance as a guest on a podcast.

