9 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Podcast Booking Agency

9 questions to ask before hiring a podcast booking agency

Are you considering hiring a podcast booking agency to help you with podcast guesting? It can be confusing. Here are nine crucial questions to ask in order to find the right agency for you.

Ever wonder what results you can achieve from being a guest on the right podcast? In today’s hyper-connected world, podcast guesting has emerged as a potent marketing tool that goes beyond just making appearances. It’s about driving impactful results and genuinely engaging with your audience. Let’s explore nine foundational results you can achieve through podcast interview marketing, turning your guest spots into significant business opportunities.

9 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Podcast Booking Agency

How Do They See Podcast Interviews?

Do they view podcast interviews as exposure, PR, or marketing? Make sure their approach aligns with your goals. At Interview Valet, we view this as podcast interview marketing.

What Level of Support Do You Provide?

Is their agency a do-it-yourself matchmaking service? Are they just securing your bookings? Interview Valet is a full-service, concierge-level agency. Our clients value their time and money. We make the introductions, secure the invitations, and ensure our clients have all the material they need for a successful interview. They’re the guest. We do the rest!

What’s Your Background and Experience?

Is this agency simply a virtual assistant looking for an opportunity? Are they a podcast host just looking to monetize? A PR agent searching for the next big thing? Interview Valet’s roots are deep in inbound marketing. In 2014, we were the first to experiment with this channel. In 2016, we wrote the book on it. Podcast Guest Profits by Thomas M Schwab is commonly cited as the bible of podcast guesting.

Where is the Team Located?

When looking for an agency, it’s common to make the connection with someone in the US and then be represented by a virtual assistant in a third world country who may not be fluent in your language, culture, or even industry. Even if they are in the US–in one timezone–you’re limited to the world of podcasters you can reach. At Interview Valet, we have always been a geographically diverse company. We have 28 employees located in both Europe and North America. Two-thirds of them are military spouses.

How Big is the Team?

Bigger is not always better. Ultimately, when deciding on a podcast guesting agency, you’re tapping into their relationships. If they’re new or a solopreneur, you’re limiting yourself. Look at their website and their company page on Linkedin. Interview Valet’s testimonies speak for themselves.

Who is My Go-To Person?

Do you have a personal connection with someone at the agency? At interview Valet, every guest and podcast host has their own dedicated person, who is supported by an experienced team, proven process, and the technology and data that professionals need.

What Areas Do You Specialize In?

Your riches are in their niches. If they do everything for everyone, they likely don’t have the knowledge or relationships you need for success. At Interview Valet, we focus on three areas: business, investments, and health.

What is the Timeline to Results?

If the promise is too good to be true, it probably is. Interview Valet’s clear timeline to results is based on nine years of experience. We have served over 1,500 clients on over 75,000 interviews. With your dedicated account manager, you will always know exactly where you are in your campaign.

Do You Use Podcast Guesting?

Surprisingly, some agencies don’t do podcast interviews. They use alternatives like Facebook ads, SEO, and cold emails. If they don’t actively use podcast guesting, they’re telling you something important—that they can’t get it to work for them. When deciding on an agency, Google the founder’s name followed by “podcast interviews” and you’ll be surprised by what you find.

There you have it! Nine critical questions you need to ask potential podcast guesting agencies. After all, who you choose to represent your brand is important. Your time and money is too precious to waste on an agency who doesn’t put your success first.

Looking For More?

Here are some other great resources.

