Peter Mutabazi is an entrepreneur, an international advocate for children, and inspirational speaker who uses his platform to deliver a message of hope and change the live of the most vulnerable children and teens. A former abused child and street kid who beat all odds and is now a single foster and adoptive dad to more than 30 children. He is the founder of Now I Am Known, an organization that supplies resources to encourage and affirm children and authored a book of the same title. Now I Am Known: How A Street Kid Turned Foster Dad Found ACCEPTANCE and TRUE WORTH.
Peter loves being the advocate and voice for children in need like he once was. He has worked for more than two decades in child advocacy, personal development, brand partnership and collaboration, ambassadorship, and speaking for organizations all around the world. To further his mission, he understood he needed to expand the overall awareness of his organization and find more ways to connect and network with like-minded individuals. Targeted podcast interview connections established through Interview Valet provided him the opportunity to that. After only three interviews going live, he already found podcast guesting to be a valuable tool in spreading his message and growing his business.
Peter’s story was so inspirational to Interview Valet, we were honored to have the opportunity to help him further his goals. He needed the gift of time and right stage to adequately share his message and mission. It was important that he not only reach the masses, but targeted audiences of like-minded individuals so they may combine and multiply their efforts. Peter’s interviews gave him that opportunity.
Sharing his story and experience on targeted podcast shows also allowed him to establish himself as an authority in his field, gain credibility and trust with the audience, another important component in networking his organization.
Being a busy single foster and adoptive dad to several children while running a business, Peter not only needed to expand awareness for his organization, but it needed to easily fit into his already packed schedule. Interview Valet allowed him to be the guest and we took care of the rest. Saving him time and effort by finding targeted interviews for his ideal audience, making the introductions, scheduling the interviews, giving him background information he needed to show up fully prepared to each interview. Saying that he’s never worked for a company that knew what he needed, before he needed it. He has even transferred the interview training and preparation techniques into his speaking and TV engagements.
If you’re too busy, don’t worry, Interview Valet will do everything you need, taking away your stress and worry. I have never worked with a company that knew what I needed and handed it to me on a spoon fed plate.
Peter Mutabazi
Peter saw immediate results from his interviews. Actually, one of his biggest quantifiable results occurred before the interview wrapped. A podcast host from one of his interviews donated $10,000 on the spot to Peter’s foundation. Outside of this amazing act of kindness, he has seen the valuable and positive impact podcast guesting has been to spread his message and drive awareness to his organization. The positive impact from podcast hosts and listeners has increased support and donations. Additionally the networking opportunities have allowed him to connect with other experts in his field, leading to new business opportunities and collaborations.
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