Getting Interviewed on Podcasts isn’t Magic

We went to the Magic Capital of the World to bring you this idea… Getting Interviewed on Podcasts isn’t Magic! In fact, if you want to interview on podcast shows, it’s more about networking and bringing value than any “abracadabra” spells you might muster. Read over a few tips to help you get a podcast interview (or scroll down and watch the video):

  • Network – Get to now some of the podcasts & hosts you want to connect with, and learn what they want in a guest. Promote them, listen to them and develop a relationship as best you can. Once you begin a conversation, don’t be afraid to offer your expertise. They’re looking for guests – show them that you bring value to their audience.
  • Prepare – Prepare yourself to tell your story – it’s the reason you want to be on their podcast in the first place. Understand the host’s audience and their lingo.
  • Professionalism – From professional sound equipment and a quiet recording environment to showing up on time and prepared, a professional appearance helps build your reputation.
  • Tell, don’t sell – No one wants to subscribe to an infomercial. Let the host draw out the conversation and when their listeners fall in love with your story, you’ll be able to let them know where to learn more, where to connect with you and where to buy.
  • Give back – Once that first interview is done, others may begin to become a little easier to find. It helps when you’re a great guest after the show. Help them promote the show, leave them a review and thank them for their time. It’s amazing how far being nice will take you.

Watch the video Getting Interviewed on Podcasts isn’t Magic:

BONUS: What it takes to be a great podcast guest – right from the experts! The Turnkey Podcast featured several great hosts ( Lou Diamond, Phil Gerbyshak, Jeff Gibbard, Strickland Bonner and Doug Sandler) discuss what makes a great guest in a terrific forum setting. Take a listen and see what you can learn from seasoned podcast pros about podcast interview marketing.

Learn the 9 Secrets To Getting Booked on Your First Podcast

Footnotes: Learn about Colon, MI here. Get to know Harry Blackstone, Sr.


image source: magic

