Interview Valet Launches Podcast Guesting Services to Spanish-Speaking Businesses.

interview valet espanol
Introducing Interview Valet Español

At Podcast Movement 2022 we made a major announcement. We are proud to introduce Interview Valet Español.

Again, this year at Podcast Movement 2022 there was a dedicated track entirely for Spanish-speaking podcasts. There are currently over 380k podcasts in Spanish according to ListenNotes.  While there are 5 times as many podcasts in English, the market is growing faster.  Globally more people speak Spanish than English. It’s foreseeable that in this decade Spanish-speaking podcasts could outnumber English-speaking podcasts.  While I heard experts debate how many years behind they are (ranging between 3 to 7), the Spanish-speaking podcast market is growing fast!

Based on the trends we’ve seen along with the growing number of requests, Interview Valet announced the launch of a Spanish-speaking division – Press release of Interview Valet Espanol.

Being a proud sponsor of the Latin Podcast Awards, the official launch of Interview Valet Español has been in the works for many years, and we now feel we are fully equipped to adequately serve the Spanish-speaking podcast market. We aim to help Spanish-speaking businesses gain increased exposure and the brand awareness needed to secure more customers and ensure lasting success.

Our Goal

Our goal with this expansion is to provide service to Spanish-speaking podcast shows and businesses; helping them gain increased exposure and brand awareness needed to secure more customers and ensure lasting success. We look forward to providing the same quality concierge service that has already helped thousands of other businesses since 2015. Interview Valet Español represents the first significant service of its type for the Hispanic market.

We pride ourselves in our globally diverse team, which spans across North America, Europe, and Asia. This geographic diversity has allowed us to serve our clients on a global level for the last eight years, and we are thrilled to expand our services to serve even more brands, coaches/consultants, and non-fiction authors. Helping them to connect with professional podcasters worldwide. In addition, their Certified Guests speak directly to their ideal customers on leading podcasts.

Being the most highly rated company of our kind, with more online reviews than all other competitors combined. We look forward to the opportunity to help Spanish-speaking businesses grow your brand and business by leveraging other people’s platforms with podcast guesting and Podcast Interview Marketing – it’s not a secret. It’s a system.

Tom Schwab & The Interview Valet Team

Read the full press release here.

Looking For More?

Here are some free additional resources you may find helpful to get the most out of your podcast interviews.

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