First Ever State of Podcast Interviews Report Shows Positive Culture of Podcasts

Podcast interviews rank as the best return on investment (ROI) when compared to Facebook ads, email marketing and other marketing tactics. Podcasts also topped the list for marketing plans over the next year, beating out video and blogging. These results and more came from the first ever State of Podcast Interviews report. Interview Valet sponsored this inaugural survey.

“We all have an opinion on things like the current state of an industry,” says Interview Valet Founder and CEO Tom Schwab. “But when you ask over 10,000 podcast hosts, podcast guests, and marketers you get answers. We are happy to release this comprehensive report with actual answers, great analysis and terrific advice from hosts and guests alike.”

The Interview Valet team found that the culture surrounding podcasts is a positive one. Hosts believe in the medium so strongly that they go on other shows as guests, they use it for promotion and they plan to do more in the next year.

Here are a few takeaways:

  • Podcast interviews were ranked as the best return on investment (ROI) with FB Ads and email marketing a close #2 and 3
  • The biggest marketing focus for next year: 1) Podcasts 2) Video 3) Blog
  • It’s easy to get on a podcast. 2/3 of new podcasts say yes to cold pitches
  • Podcast interviews are promoted by the host on their website (100%), Facebook (90%), Twitter (85%), iTunes (83%), email  (80%)

Download the full report and more at

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Learn the 9 Secrets To Getting Booked on Your First Podcast

