5 Ways Inbound Marketing with Podcasts Beats Guest Blogging

Ways Inbound Marketing with Podcasts Beats Guest Blogging

Why does inbound marketing with podcasts beat guest blogging? First, let’s look at why guest blogging is in our sites. One tenet of inbound marketing that worked very well for a lot of marketers over the years has been guest blogging. It’s genius, really. You create quality content that’s hosted on another site, linking back […]

Inbound Marketing with Podcasts: What Does HubSpot Say?

Inbound Marketing with Podcasts

The category king of inbound marketing (HubSpot) sees podcast interview marketing as a great new marketing tool for brands and businesses. Since marketing is more than one tool, it makes sense that podcasts would end up included in that tool box. We had the pleasure of having a conversation with Kierran Petersen, Associate Producer for HubSpot’s […]