5 Ways to Grow Your Coaching and Consulting Business with Podcast Guesting

coaches and consultants grow with podcast interviews

While maybe you’ve tried hosting a podcast, you noticed it took a lot of time, effort, and money to get it off the ground and to keep your audience engaged.

Your mission is to coach and consult clients daily.

You are ready to welcome more clients into your program, like, yesterday.

But there is one problem: you feel like you can’t break through the noise.

Your offerings are different, but if you can’t be heard, who will know that?

You could help thousands of people if they knew you existed. But you’re facing the biggest obstacle all business owners face: obscurity. You know your services and expertise is the answer to their problem; you’ve seen it with your existing clients. But what about all the others out there waiting for your help.

You’ve tried paid ads, hiring marketing companies, and you even launched a podcast (which proved to be more work than what it returned to you). You find everything keeps getting more expensive and less effective.

You feel tired, and you’re done throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping it will stick.

The good news? In the past, the market has told us that paid ads, creating a podcast, and hiring marketing companies really work. The truth? The market is shifting and, as business owners, we must shift too.


How Can You Find Leads For Your Business Today? 

Enter podcast guesting.

While maybe you’ve tried hosting your own podcast, you noticed it took a lot of time, effort, and money to get it off the ground and to keep your audience engaged. Hosting your own show nurtures existing leads while podcast guesting gets you new leads.

Podcast guesting is a way to leverage other people’s audiences, audiences that are already engaged and trusting, without the extra work of writing, producing, and maintaining a show.


Here are 5 ways you can grow your qualified leads into paying clients with podcast interview marketing in today’s market:

1. Grow Your Practice

Big fish don’t swim through marketing funnels and whales don’t click. You can’t just create a website, turn ads on, and hope that big clients will flow through your funnel. While it works sometimes, you have to diversify your lead sources. At Interview Valet, we’ve found the best leads come from genuine conversations and relationships, not setting up automated lead generation systems. Podcast guesting gets you out in the world and actively creating relationships through a trusted source (the podcast host) whom the audience has self-selected to hear (the podcast show).

2. Market Research

The riches are in the niches. When you want to pivot or start engaging with a new audience, podcast guesting allows you to tap into a lot of different audiences and see which will successfully engage with your new idea. It’s a great way to test the waters and see where your niche succeeds. We’ve seen this happen many times with our own Certified Guests over the years. Podcast guesting allowed market feedback which allowed them to adapt their marketing strategy and service options in real time to fit the needs of those who resonated with their message the most.


3. Raise Your Profile & Price

Exposure brings authority and credibility. Just like public speaking, when you share a stage with another big name in the industry, it instantly raises your value through association. Appearing in a podcast elevates your authority through a shared stage; you are now associated with that host and any other guests on the show. This gives you a more diverse presence in your market. Multiply that with multiple interviews on different shows and your impact and credibility snowballs, along with your authority.


4. Launch & Expand Your Own Podcast

Fishing where the fish are. Before you start your own podcast, you can explore podcasting by guesting on other people’s podcasts. This helps you refine your idea and see which audience would be keen to hear more about what you have to offer. It allows you to practice your messaging, get some behind-the-scenes looks at how to run a show, and start building anticipation for your launch with other show listeners.


5. Rebrand

Pivot, pivot. Whether you are starting a new business or moving on from your current company, you want to make sure Google knows your current venture. If your customers search you online but everything is routed to your old business name or agency, it’s taking business and attention away from your current endeavor. You need an SEO overhaul. Appearing on podcasts is the fastest way to generate an influx of new media online toward your new business. As you hold interviews, these interviews—along with corresponding blogs and social media posts—will be placed first when someone searches for you online, driving traffic away from the old and toward the new.


As a coach and consultant, you are constantly wondering: How can I impact more people? How can I reach the people I would serve the best?

You do social media and you have Google Ads. You feel like you do it all, but there’s always room to diversify your lead generation so that you can diversify and expand your client reach. The best way to get big-fish clients that take you to the next level isn’t through easy email automations. 

Rather, it’s by fostering relationships with your ideal audience that has self-selected to hear information on your specific topic.

Google Ads can’t foster a relationship through a couple of clicks.

Hiring a marketing company that isn’t as connected to your vision as you are won’t foster a relationship.

Podcast guesting allows you to connect with hundreds of people while sharing your authentic expertise and value. And the best part—your interviews are evergreen, meaning you will talk to hundreds of people each day without actually being present.

Marketing is shifting. It’s not about clicks and traffic. It’s about building relationships with humans. Do you have ways that you are actively fostering and nurturing real relationships?

Podcast guesting is a great place to start.

Looking For More?

Here are some other great resources.

