Addressing The Debate Of Video Podcasts

Podcast Videos Podcast Interview Marketing

Regardless of your opinion, as a podcast guest you have very little say in whether a podcast includes video but you do have control over how you maximize the opportunity.

The debate of whether podcasts should include video is always a polarizing topic with justified arguments on either side. The argument against podcasts with video largely circles around the definition of ‘podcast’. A rebuttal to this argument is to consider that podcasting is still very young in terms of a media platform. Our concept of TV and how we watch looks very different today than in 1960. On the same token, podcasting has continuously evolved in its short time and will continue to do so. One other thing that shouldn’t be ignored before we move forward is that three out of four podcasts today include video.

Regardless of your opinion, as a podcast guest you have very little say in whether a podcast includes video but you do have control over how you maximize the opportunity. Namely, its ability to expand your brand, drive a genuine connection with your target audience, and create a boatload of content you can repurpose into your other marketing channels.

Here's Some Things To Consider

> Navigating The Landscape of Audience Connection

It’s difficult today to cut through the noise and connect with your prospective clients without adding to the buzz. This is largely why podcast interviews are unlike conventional marketing. It allows you to communicate directly with your target demographic in a space they self-selected to be. There is a level of inherent authenticity there that immediately fosters a deeper understanding and connection. 

While establishing your brand as the leading expert on the very topic they want to learn more about. Podcast interviews provide a platform for those in high-touch, high-relationship businesses to share their expertise and position themselves as thought leaders in their respective industries. This narrative positioning not only enhances personal brand credibility but also elevates the entire business ecosystem.

> Brand Elevation With Strategic Exposure

Video podcasts offer a multifaceted approach to keep you in control of your brand narrative and the creation of networking opportunities. Strategically aligning with targeted podcasts allows you to tap into existing audience bases, in turn, creating a direct channel to your ideal client or customer. Connecting with them through the association of a trusted source (the podcast host) instantly establishes trust and broadens your brand visibility. The conversations guests have with podcast hosts allow you to craft the narrative around your business journey.

Sharing your challenges, triumphs, and successes of your 10,000 hours humanizes you allowing you to connect on a deeper level than a social media ad would ever allow. Not only enhancing brand relatability but facilitating a connection with industry leaders, potential collaborators, and influential figures. These connections, forged through insightful conversations, extend beyond the podcast episode, creating a network that paves the way for future collaborations and partnerships. In essence, video podcasts add an additional layer to thought leaders to shape their brand narrative, foster connections, and amplify brand exposure in the ever-evolving business landscape.


> Podcast Interview Marketing Offers A Goldmine For Microcontent

Microcontent refers to bite-sized, quickly digestible content that conveys key pieces of insight. Podcast interviews offer a goldmine for generating microcontent. From insightful quotes and impactful anecdotes to compelling statistics shared during the conversation, each episode is a treasure trove. High-level executives can leverage these nuggets to create engaging social media posts, visually appealing graphics, and short video clips. This strategic use of microcontent ensures a continuous stream of valuable snippets, keeping the audience captivated and the brand top of mind.


> Key Points Applied Through Zero-Click Theory

The zero-click theory, coupled with the microcontent derived from podcast interviews, transforms the way thought leaders and business owners connect with their audience—delivering meaningful content at their fingertips. This means you can share nuggets of wisdom and insight with your prospects (the microcontent we just mentioned) quickly, efficiently, and without them needing to click a link somewhere else. The rich content you share in your interviews are chopped up and shared through your social media platforms, proving a concise way to continue building the narrative around your brand and business as the leading expert and solution to your clients’ problems.

You can quickly establish a direct line of communication with your followers without adding more homework for them to seek and research, giving them the immediate and relevant information your audience seeks in our digital world.


> Measuring And Multiplying Success

Given all of this, nothing we do to grow our businesses matter if it doesn’t bring tangible results. The more content you repurpose from your video interviews provides more data points for you to track. This helps you to continuously monitor what your target audience wants more of and what they care about today. Not last year, or five years ago. This is where podcast interview marketing stands out against ‘podcast guesting’. Tracking views, listens, and welcome page visits from each interview lets you know shows to lean into and shows that aren’t worth your time. This nuanced approach to analytics ensures a comprehensive understanding of the podcast interview marketing ROI.

The debate of whether a podcast should or should not include video is irrelevant. What really matters is how you take the content and information you gain and multiply the successes. Podcast interview marketing isn’t a quick fix, it’s a long game of building your brand narrative and working alongside your clients to help them find solutions to their problems.

It’s building an ongoing marketing system in your business, just like maintaining your website and social media channels. You must seamlessly integrate it into your overall marketing strategy and continuously refine how you optimize the content to better connect with your audience in a meaningful way.

Looking For More?

Here are some other great resources.

