I Changed My Marketing Strategy: I Now Get Interviewed on Podcasts

A stale marketing strategy with tactics everyone else uses can be a death sentence to growth. Doing “the same old thing” not only makes your marketing stale, it bores you, your team and anyone involved. Rather than trudge through the day to day monotony, think about injecting something new: get interviewed on podcasts as a guest expert to build awareness, trust and business.

Podcast interview marketing can help you if you’re an emerging brand, an author or speaker, a coach, an executive at a business … the list goes on and on. But don’t just take our word for it. If you want to get interviewed on podcasts and inject new life into your marketing strategy, take a lesson from a couple of experts on it.

Aaron Walker; View from the Top, Mastermind Coach

When I started View from the Top, you couldn’t find me online with a bloodhound. As far as Google was concerned, I was in the witness protection plan.  I knew in my soul that I had a product and service that could help people, if they only knew about it.

My biggest limitation is that I was obscure.

Then in just 18 months I went from obscure to acclaimed by using Podcast Interview Marketing.

Being the featured guest expert on the leading shows that my ideal clients already were listening to allowed me to turn listeners into customers. Using this strategy exclusively I build my relationships and my business.

Aaron Got Results: More Traffic

increased traffic

Monthly traffic increased consistently:

  • 5x the first month
  • 15x by the first year 23x by the first 18 months
  • 23x by the first 18 months

Traffic breakdown at 12 months was:

  • Direct: 49% (to welcome pages)
  • Organic: 21% (increased with increased backlinks)
  • Referral: 11% (from podcast site)
  • Social: 11%
  • Email: 8%
  • Paid: 0% (Never Used)

Craig Cody; Virtual CFO, CPA, Tax Expert

Craig Cody is Certified Tax Coach, Certified Public Accountant, Business Owner and former New York City Police Officer. In 2016 he turned to leveraging targeted podcast interviews to gain new clients beyond his geographical region. His focus included tax planning, tax preparation, and part time virtual CFO Services.

This CPA based in New York was able to gain clients from around the nation by appearing as a guest expert on targeted podcast interviews.  Over a twelve month period from August 2016 to July 2017 he was featured on 40 unique interviews. These appearances led to 601 Opt ins, 46 sales cals, and 13 new ideal clients. After factoring in all costs the services produced, he gained over a 600% return on investment in the first year.  Results should dramatically increase in following years with the life time value of the new customers.

Craig’s main offer on the podcast interviews to move people form being a passive listener to active visitor was a free copy of the book he co-authored called The Secrets of a Tax Free Life.

601 listeners opted in with name, email, and address

Asking for a physical address may have lowered the opt in rate but it was thought to have ensured leads were more qualified and interested. 

8% of Opt Ins went on to a complete a discovery (sales) call

From the 46 sales calls 13 (28%) became paying clients.

The ongoing services purchased included:

When it’s time to freshen up your marketing strategy, consider adding the tactic of getting interviewed on podcasts.

Learn the 9 Secrets To Getting Booked on Your First Podcast

image source: change ahead

