5 Website Trust Seals Vital to Podcast Guests

Website Trust Seals Vital to Podcast Guests

If you want to super charge your marketing, there is no better way today than to talk directly to your ideal customers as a podcast guest. Marketing at it’s heart is starting the conversation with somebody that could be an ideal customer, and being on a podcast, being interviewed as an expert sets you up […]

How to crush a Kickstarter Campaign with Podcast Interviews

How to crush a Kickstarter Campaign with Podcast Interviews

Kickstarter is an almost magical way of raising funds for a cause that people deeply believe.  As more people visit the page, the pledges increase, and the goal is quickly passed….or the campaign languishes and dies a painful and public death.  While crowd funding can last as long as 60 days, those lasting 30 days or […]

Selling Software as a podcast guest

Selling Software as a podcast guest

If you build it they will come.  While it sounded good in the movie Field of Dreams, in reality even the best-made product won’t attract ideal customers.  For that, we need marketing.  Marketing at it’s most basic is starting a discussion with someone who could be an ideal customer. The good news is that today […]

The Virtual Book Tour as a podcast guest

The Virtual Book Tour as a podcast guest

Writing a book can be the easiest part of the entire process.  Even after it’s printed, you still have to market your book.  Some authors are fortunate enough to have a motivated agent, but for the vast majority of authors the burden to market the book falls upon the author.  Ask anyone who has ever […]

7 Keys to a Perfect Landing Page for a Podcast Guest

Keys to a Perfect Landing Page for a Podcast Guest

The goal of being a podcast guest is to convert listeners to customers.  You must get the podcast listeners back to your site so that you can engage, nurture and convert them.  Instead of just sending them to the generic home page, to maximize the conversion rate all listeners should be directed to a specific […]

STOP: Watch This Before Starting a Podcast

Watch This Before Starting a Podcast

Are you considering starting a podcast to grow your business? Before you invest all the time and money, listen to how Aaron Walker grew his business in under a year being a podcast guest interviewed on the shows his ideal customers were already listening to. Tom: If podcasts are such a great medium to connect with […]

Why You’re Not Getting Business Results as a Podcast Guest

Why You’re Not Getting Business Results as a Podcast Guest

You understand that podcasts are the fastest expanding platform for getting your message to your ideal customers.  You’ve been on a handful of podcasts. You thought it went great.  In just 45 minutes, you talked directly to your dream customers.  Listeners got to know, like and trust you.  They saw you as an expert, a thought […]

8 Steps to the Perfect Pitch Sheet to Increased Inbound Traffic

Steps to the Perfect Pitch Sheet to Increased Inbound Traffic

  Too often as inbound marketers we think of content as being nothing but a blog. As blogs get ever more common, to attract more traffic leads and customers than our competitors the smart marketers look to other areas like videos and infographics to stand out with fresh, engaging content. As blogs become more competitive, […]