Why “Do” Podcast Interviews? State of Podcast Interviews Report

“How does being on a podcast actually help me with my marketing?”

Sometimes in talking with business leaders, authors, speakers and others, we hear this question. Essentially, people want to know what’s in it for them. How does being a guest on a podcast help them? Of course, telling your story in front of a new audience on podcast interviews is helpful, but what else do you get out of being on a show?

To answer this FAQ, first, take a good look at this chart below. We asked podcast hosts how they promote their shows. As you can see, podcast hosts promote across all media, from their own website & blog (great for SEO* for you, the guest!) to the usual social media and even email marketing. You get to be the guest, tell your story, then sit back and let the host market YOU! That’s an audience you don’t yet have in your pocket!

chart - how do you promote your podcast

Additionally, podcast hosts are even using Instagram and YouTube to promote podcasts – an audio medium! Sure there’s room to grow, but it’s encouraging to see the use of social media platforms in a new way to connect with an ever-splintered audience.

State of Podcast Interviews Discussion Moment:

What other places would you suggest podcast hosts promote their shows? Visit this discussion on our Facebook page to leave your suggestions. And if you have a particularly good example – numbers or a specific success – please leave that there in the comment!

Keep in mind, as great as it is that podcast hosts promote their show with your appearance, the work is not done. As Paula Kirch from Boss Academy pointed out, this promotion goes both ways. She offered advice to potential guests, “Promote the show that has you on. Everyone wins. So few guests promote.”

*Let’s get back to why a host promoting a podcast on their own website and blog is good for your SEO… one part of search engine optimization is, of course, links from reliable sources. If a podcast host promotes their show on their own website, it’s likely they would link to your website, creating a signal to the search engines that you have valuable content. This is especially helpful when you create a “welcome page” for listeners where they can download the resources you talk about on the show and connect with you.

The ecosystem surrounding your podcast interview will help broaden your reach, consequently delivering your message to a much wider market than on your own.

schedule a call with interview valet

image credit: talking on microphone

