Case Studies Are a Golden-Ticket Marketing Strategy for 2023—Here’s Why

interview valet case studies

Unleash the power of case studies for 2023 marketing. Captivate customers, provide social proof, and differentiate your products. Boost sales now!

How Do Case Studies Set Companies Apart?

Standard advertisements typically hinge on how the company wants its products and services to perform for customers; case studies showcase how a product or service actually performs and solves customers’ problems. The case study captures data and proves how much the product or service benefits customers.

You can think of it like this: an advertisement is the dream, the vision. Case studies are the reality. And when your service or product successfully solves your customers’ problems, that draws in more customers. The case study is Rubber meets the Road.

Case studies put the customers front and center, letting them tell how the product or service solved their problem rather than having the company say how it “should” solve the problem. Customers are the best marketers, and social proof is second to none in the age of social media.

Gathering case study information can be as simple as sitting down with some of your customers and having them tell their stories. Ask them about their pain points, what drew them to your company versus others like it, and how you helped, whether it was by solving an area of concern in their business or the return on investment they saw from working with you.

At a high level, the process of creating a case study for your business is simple:

1. Brainstorm Questions

Considering the end result in mind, think about what you want to highlight from the client’s experience and develop questions to drive that information. You want to have their story from beginning to end.

2. Interview the Customer

Invite them to a quick 15-minute call so that it isn’t a time burden for them and ask them to tell their story. Holding a face-to-face call or meeting will likely get better responses than a written survey because of the natural rapport and flow of conversation. And don’t forget to record it!


3. Draft the Case Study

Pull a transcript of the recording to capture the customer’s story, pain points, and how your company solved their problem or helped to produce positive results for them. Take it a step further and clean up the recording to include with your case study.


4. Get Customer Approval

Once you’ve written and designed it, share it with the customer to see if they have any feedback. They may need to clarify context or clean up a quote, as spoken word is often different from written word.


5. Create and Publish

Once all of your components are complete and approved, determine where you want to feature your case studies. Having a stand-alone page on your website is a great way to let new prospects see themselves in your case studies and want to gain the same results.


6. Share

Don’t forget this important step. Share your case study page to get the word out. Share it on your social media pages, incorporate it in emails to your list, include it in the sales process with prospects, and mention it in your podcast interviews so listeners can see your abilities for themselves.

Creating case studies is a powerful marketing strategy that highlights and differentiates your products from those of other companies. It shows precisely how the product works in your customers’ lives and gives accurate data that proves your successes. This is the proof that your future customers want to see.

The best form of marketing is through word of mouth, and case studies facilitate that process. Existing clients who can become advocates for what you do are the best kind to have.


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