57 Pieces of Advice Podcast Hosts Want Podcast Guests To Know
Understanding things from someone else’s point of view is key in being self-aware. It is easy to only focus on things from our own perspective, but often the most beneficial growth occurs when we step outside of our own view and look through a different lens. Which is what prompted this little research project. We […]
4 Ways to Use Podcasting to Sell Your Book and Grow Your Brand
You’ve written a book. From writing to editing to the final design, you did it. It’s complete, and you’re about to hit publish. The work is done. Not quite. Before you pop the champagne and relax, there’s one more step to think about: book promotion. You’ve heard this expression, I’m sure: “If a tree falls […]
11 Ways Non-Fiction Authors Can Leverage Podcast Guesting
Podcast guesting is more beneficial to non-fiction authors than any other genre. That’s because it’s a great way to reach an engaged, relevant audience, quickly increase brand trust, and extend your reach. Whether you’re a first time author or a seasoned pro, leveraging podcast guesting is a great way to establish your authority as the […]
How Non-Fiction Authors Can Use Podcast Guesting… And Why They Should Use a Booking Agency to Do It!
Writing a book is a labor of love. It’s months–possibly years–of stressing over word counts, edits, and deadlines. And unless you’re a superhuman or a robot, there were definitely tears. But you persevered and you finished it! Ok, now what? Reaching Your Readers Whether your book is being traditionally published by a publishing house or […]
Myths About Growing Your Brand Through Podcasting
In 2015, people were asking, “What is a podcast?” Fast forward five years to 2020, businesses and individuals are relying heavily on podcasts to stay in the conversation about topics that mattered while the world quarantined during the pandemic. Listen to the full conversation here. Our Founder, Tom Schwab, had the opportunity to be a […]
11 Ways You Can Grow Your Brand with Podcast Interview Marketing
Growing your brand is essential to your success. If you want to get into podcast interview marketing, but you don’t know how it will help your brand, these are 11 ways you can grow your brand with podcast interview marketing. 1 | Driving Sales There are thousands of ideal clients out there who are ready […]
Growing Your Brand with Podcast Interview Marketing
Growing your brand doesn’t need to be hard. In fact, it’s the easiest it has ever been. With all the advanced technology we now have, marketing doesn’t just have to be billboards, magazine articles, and in-person interviews. Podcast interview marketing is as simple as sitting in front of a microphone at your computer in your […]
Is It Better to Host a Podcast or Be a Guest?
Our Founder, Tom Schwab, had the opportunity to be a guest on the Grow My Accounting Practice podcast with hosts Mike Michalowicz and Ron Saharyan. Anyone Can Start A Podcast. But It Is Better to Host a Podcast or Be a Guest? Over two million podcasts exist today. Maybe you’ve been thinking about starting a […]
10 Ways To Use Podcast Guesting
There are many motives behind someone’s reasoning to do podcast guest interviews. We know the power and potential they can have in your business directive. We have it seen it work thousands of times over with our own Certified Guests. Through our exclusive data we have highlighted 10 specific ways consultants and coaches can, and […]
Podcasting is the Future of Marketing
Marketing is forever changing. As technology advances and new forms of media are created, the way we consume content needs to evolve with it. What may have worked a year ago, isn’t getting the same traction now. Facebook, for example, is fading. Costs of paid advertisements are skyrocketing. And with a million and one different […]